Wednesday 23 January 2008

November 12th - 16th, 2007

Week 7 came upon me as if it was day 7. Time is on a steam train and it’s leaving me behind. So much to do, but so little time to do it in. Oh well… I guess I have to get on with it. It raises the issue of organisation. The more organised a person is, the more effectively a person would spend his or her time.

I came into the office with a renewed feeling of interest and vigour and a will to make the most of my time here. I checked the day’s mail hoping to find that elusive conference abroad or any chance of going abroad actually, but unsurprisingly it hasn’t arrived yet. Hope is a wonderful thing when you have it abundantly. I did have a lot of hope, but now it seems I may not get a trip abroad… I guess there is still time.

On Tuesday I got my first research project. I was told to research on Asian women into politics and draf a 5 minute speech for the Baroness to look at or use when speaking an event later in the week. I started on it immediately by calling the library research team in the House of Lords. This is a fantastic and comprehensive resource, put together by well experienced researchers. There was a lot to read and I couldn’t see myself going through it page by page. I realised that I had a lot to do for this assignment. The purpose of the speech is to highlight the reality of Asian women within politics. It should deal with the questions of why there are so few Asian women within the public and political arena and the barriers they face in gaining entry. Further what cultural and institutional boundaries if any are hindering their progress. The organisers also require the Baroness to be constructive in suggesting way forward

On Wednesday and Thursday I carried on with my project ideas and finalising proposals for a few community based initiatives. I feel that there is a huge need for schemes and projects that will assist the young as well as the old in learning more about health and well- being. Therefore, I have been working on ideas such as mentoring for young people, well- being and awareness projects to help people become more comfortable in the area that they live in.

After a long session of brain storming, I and Maria carried on with the never ending administrative duties and updated the calendar.

Friday came by like the swift November breeze. I had to go to Elba to get another dose of Business English, which I enjoy a lot. We learnt new and more efficient methods of communication as well as writing formal business letters minus the waffle that you get in some letters that try to sound “posh”.

It was a productive end to a productive week. Another week has come, stayed, entertained… and left swiftly.

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