Wednesday 23 January 2008

November 5th - 9th, 2007

Week 6 started as usual with sorting out the invitations and updating the Baroness’s calendar. I had to write a thank you letter to the Lord Mayor of the City of London, for inviting the Baroness to the Lord Mayor’s Annual Event. After that was done, I got on with writing apology letters to invitations which the Baroness is unable to attend.

After Lunch I got on with writing up my blogs and discussed some ideas with Maria for the updating of the Baroness’s website, this took us to the end of the day.

Tuesday was the big day for Parliament. It was the Annual day of Pageantry and Ceremony, day for the State Opening of Parliament. I really wanted to attend the ceremony, but tickets are rare for this prestigious event. I had to make do with a very cold standing space outside the office which overlooked the Palace of Westminster. I watched the initial parts of the ceremony on sky TV. Her Majesty the Queen got in her golden carriage accompanied by HRH Prince Philip. The carriage was lead by a group of her Majesty’s personal guards, I think, followed by another group of horsemen and women. It was a very dazzling site, with all the shining armour and polished steel on show. Just before they arrived at Westminster, I got down on the street and waited and shivered to catch a glimpse of the Queen and her entourage. The road outside Parliament was blocked from both sides by executive cars (which drove in the Judges as well as Parliamentarians, Ambassadors and of course Members of the House of Lords) and security vehicles. It looked like an action scene from a film.

The clickety clikety sound of horses coming got louder very slowly, I knew they were coming. Then, in the distance I saw gold helmets and res feathers appearing, the horses have arrived. Then the Queen’s carriage came rolling towards the Palace. The gold body of the carriage together with its exquisite architecture dazzled the audience jam packed on the side walk. The carriage went straight in to the Palace through the Sovereign’s Entrance, I presume. I hopped back upstairs and into the office to watch the rest of the procession on TV. It was quite a unique event and hopefully I can get Baroness Uddin to invite me to see the ceremony from inside the Palace next year.

On Wednesday I met the business manager of Barclays for E1. I previously met him at the launch event of the Mosaic Project, initiated by the Princes’ Trust and supported by HRH Prince of Wales, to inspire professional Muslims working in London to help and mentor young Muslims in schools.

We discussed how local businesses in East London may be able to benefit from Barclays’ free business services. We spoke about the challenges that businesses face in East London and how these can be overcome. He also advised on a business proposition that I put forward to him and also gave me some informative literature. It was a good meeting and a good contact that might come in very handy.

In the afternoon we had a good discussion, almost like a training session which took place between the three members of our team in the office. Rohema Miah who occasionally works to support the Baroness worked with us to raise our understanding about the way in which staff can provide effective support for Parliamentarians. Rohema Miah is an experienced professional having worked over the years with a number of senior politicians. The meeting discussed ways in which we could be more efficient in the office and how we could and should be more transparent as a team. She handed out some information on how to write press releases, briefs, do research and presentations. Overall, it was a good meeting although there were some new ideas introduced with which I was not quite comfortable. Work is work and you have to get on with them. The rest of the week was spent in implementing the new practices in the office and completing all the outstanding admin tasks, such as going through all the mail with the Baroness and updating the calendar.

It was a relatively quiet end to the week which started off quite dramatically. The State opening was easily the biggest event I’ve witnessed since starting work here.

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